Sunday, December 30, 2007

Eoin Anthony Chronicles - Day 5

Well, it is true, Eoin has been with us for five whole days now. He is home and getting used to his new schedule, his surroundings and his brother, Walnut.

All are doing well. Eoin has discovered his thumb, but manages to sleep most of the day.

He is a little confused with day and night right now, but mommy is trying really hard to explain the difference between 1 am and 1 pm. No luck yet. He has had a few visitors and will experience his first trip to the doctor tomorrow. He saw snow for the first time tonight and was very excited...actually he didn't open his eyes but I could feel the excitement.

Walnut appears alittle depressed that he is not our only child anymore and he is taking it out on Eoin's toys - Walnut 1, Pacifiers 0.

One last picture, here is a picure of Eoin's favorite outfit (or at least the one that has made it the longest without any stains...use your imagination)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Eoin Anthony Noonan has Arrived!!!

Eoin (pronounced like Owen but more Irish) Anthony (from his Eye-Talian Mom) Noonan arrived at 1:11 am on December 26th, 2007. Below is his tale of the tape

Height: 20 inches
Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz
Age: 50-ish hours
Reach: 7-ish inches
Hair: Lots

Mother and baby made it through labor happy and healthy and he has even met his big brother Walnut (see below)

Thanks for everyones voicemails and text messages. Feel free to give us a call in the upcoming weeks to talk to the little guy and hear how things are going.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas from the Noonan's

Merry Christmas! We have had a very exciting Christmas Eve and maybe a more exciting Christmas day. Annie went into labor on the 24th and we made our first trip to the hospital on Christmas day around 1:30 a.m. Although a few centimeters dilated and contractions 5-10 minutes apart...they gave us the option to come home for Christmas. We were able to get home around 5:00 a.m. and sleep (a little). We are just having Christmas breakfast and waiting for our little one to make the next move. We will be sure to keep everyone posted. Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Music Monday - War Pigs, Cake

CLASSIC remake to a CLASSIC song. Even if you don't buy into the propoganda on the screen you got to dig this jam...

Sunday - TNisms

"Marry 'em"

Something you might say if you were talking to Lance Armstrong and he wasn't sure which Olsen twin he was dating...perhaps.

Something my Pops would say when referring to two containers of similar substances for the sake of consolidating them into one...absolutely.

"just marry 'em"...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thirsty Thursday - Naked Juice?

OK, so i struggled putting this into my work computer search engine. Those IT guys and gals can see everything you do so I wasn't sure what they would think when they saw "Naked Juice" as a recent search but I pulled the trigger anyway. Surpisingly it takes at least 2 page downs in google to get to anything inappropriate.

What I was searching for is the home page for Naked Juice Beverages. My personal favorite is Mango Madness (pictured below):

Surpsingly a quick look on wikipedia shows that there was accusations of sexual harassment at "Naked Juice" but apparently it had nothing to do with the name.

This stuff is good...and similar to the old school "Fresh Samanthas" who were bought out by "Odwalla" who has nothing to do with "Naked Juice"...the company or hairy people named Isaac...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Way Back Wednesday - Fun House

If you don't remember this fantastic game show for kids in the 80's check out the video below:

The host is JD Roth. You may recognize the name from the credits of "The Biggest Loser" where he is a producer. It only takes him and his evil genius about 10 seconds in the clip above before he has all of these kids eating candy he's cashing in on helping them lose weight...what a scam!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Youtube Tuesday - Best goals in football (that's soccer folks)

So for those of us Americans who don't have the attention span to watch 90 minutes of soccer to see a single goal here are a bunch of amazing goals in one 5 minute compilation.

Music Monday - Tyrone Wells

So we found this guy as an opener to a favorite band of ours "Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers." Tyrone and his band opened up the set and were amazing. The electric guitarist is awesome. The drummer played some interesting thing he sat on it one song and in the same song Tyrone did alittle Beat Boxing (click here).

He's sort of in the same vain as Jack Johnson but different enough that it doesn't feel like a copy cat. His music has signficant religous undertones if you listen, which is not a surprise since his father and both grandparents are Pastors. If you want to know more about him click here.

Anyway, below is my favorite jam of his. If you are diggin' this you can check out his bands website here and if you live in California you HAVE to check them out live.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday TNisms - "You want gloves?"

Perhaps you have this person too. The guy who has to have the proper gloves in order to perform any task, big or small. That's my dad. Actually somewhere out there one of you does not have this person because somehow I have two. A friend of mine at work lets call him Lawson is also a glove connoisseur.

For these chosen few there is a glove for every activity and an activity for every glove. My Dad actually keeps a box of latex gloves in his car to wear when pumping gas. I think his favorite set of gloves is this Thinsulate pair of work gloves that I scored him from my days on the golf course. You can check out these "Rough Riders" here

My Dadio actually brought these and 5 other pairs of gloves all the way from NY to CT during his latest visit to our house. As we walked out to clean the gutters there came the TNism - "You want gloves?" And as I have answered for the last 27 years "Nah, I'm good."

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sunday TNisms - Dryer Sheets

OK, what would you think if you saw your dad out on the lawn mower in the backyard with a dryer sheet in his hat? He almost looks like a Legionaire out there with in the French foreign legion with those silly hats in the desert.

Well I found my dad in this strange predicament one afternoon and asked him why.

His responsed: "Dyer sheets are the best mesquito repellent going!"

Well, you can find references to this solution all over the internet and in email, just click here if you don't believe me.

Does it really work? Snopes says not as good as DEET but it might for a shot while.

I say let the man rock his dryer sheets. They sure smell alot better than Deep Woods Off.

Nursery's time for some baby stuff.

Here are some nursery pictures: